
Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction in Turkey

Reshape with Milano Clinic Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction in Turkey!

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Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction in Turkey

Those who do not have the opportunity to do sports have problems taking nutrition and time management with the changing living conditions. In this sense, Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction in Turkey can provide the desired body shape.

In addition, this method, which is applied by our professional body shaping surgeons, is very short. Individuals can have the appearance of the muscular abdomen that they want. Nowadays, most of the abdominal muscles are called baklava. This method, which can also be performed on the arm makes the muscles more pronounced.

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What is Vaser Hi Def Liposuction?

This process, which is performed using a liposuction device and is a 3D application. It is used for body shaping. Before the procedure, the physical characteristics of the patients are evaluated and it is decided whether they are suitable for the operation. In addition, Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction, which is different from the classical liposuction operation, can provide a body that is tight, athletic, and fat tissue-free.

People who are interested in sports arrive at the desired body shape in a much shorter time. The body contours are made simple interventions. It is sometimes applied to the muscles and sometimes to the whole body. However, the main goal is to reveal muscle shadows and muscle grooves. As a result, those who prefer the process can reach the wanted body shape in a short time.

Cost of Vaser Hi Def Liposuction

The Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction prices differ since the region of the transaction may vary. In addition, the number of sessions to be applied for the desired body appearance also affects the price.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Vaser Hi Def Liposuction

Firstly, those who do not reach the desired muscle density despite sports can benefit from Vaser Hi Def Liposuction. In addition, patients who want to have an attractive and beautiful body of all ages or people want to lose weight can choose this process. Alternatively, those who have a weak body and therefore want to shape it have recently benefited from this practice. Of course, those who have a problem with regional lubrication are also advised to refer to this operation.

Diet and exercise programs are sometimes insufficient in everyday life. Because these applications can not eliminate the stubborn oils completely and can not offer you the shape you want. With Vaser Hi Def Liposuction, which is the most recommended operation in recent times to get rid of melting regional fats, you can reach a slim and muscular appearance. It should be remembered that women, who want to have an athletic appearance, can easily apply to this operation.

The Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction body mass index, which does not have a medical aesthetic procedure suitable for everyone, is ideal for people under 30. It is not recommended to get only after the age of 45 years. Because at this age the tendency of the skin quality  decreased is observed. Thus, the desired result will not be achieved. Finally, candidates who have many cracks in their skin are among the candidates who are not suitable for this operation.

Patients undergo a detailed examination before the operation. In this process, the areas with excess fat are detected and then marked. Then, the region of the application is decided. In the process, a special solution is applied to the area to be treated. In this way, the region is made ready for operation.

In addition, the solution, which is applied before the operation, allows the separation of the fat tissues under the skin layer. With the use of ultrasonic probes, the oils in the area where the process will be done begin to melt. These oils that are melted in a short time are then taken from the body and injected into the area where they are to be treated. In this way, the muscular appearance that patients want is achieved.

On the other hand, in the oil injection process, fat appearance is prevented in the area since melting is done before the oil is removed. There is no pain during the procedure and local anesthesia or sedation is applied before Vaser Hi Def Liposuction.

Genelde 2 gün istirahat edilmesi tavsiye edilir. Hastaların bünyesine göre bu süre 4 güne kadar çıkabilir.

Silikon taktırma işlemi genelde alerji yapmaz. Ancak kullanılan malzemenin hangi tür maddelerden oluştuğu bu kapsamda önemlidir.

This method used to shape the desired region of the body has many advantages. First of all, no cuts are left on the body as no incision is made. Naturally, the nerve, blood vessels and connective tissues are not damaged.

It is a safe technique. Fat that is taken from the body before this application can be injected into different regions. In this way, patients benefit from this application in the same session and also have the oil filling process. Vaser Hi Def operation is extremely logical for anyone who complains about the appearance of their body.

In less than 4 hours, the abdominal muscles can reach the desired appearance together with the vaser device. Patients can have a Vaser Hi Def Liposuction by opting for any desired body shape without any exercise. According to the demand of the patients, sports can be started after the 10th day. In the first 10 days, the muscular appearance will appear and the best results will be seen after the third month. Of course, after starting sports the muscles will be more obvious.

Günümüzdeki her estetik cerrahi operasyondan sonra işlem bölgesinde ödemler oluşabilir. Ancak bu ödemler genelde hafif derecelidir. Birkaç gün sonra ödemler yok olmaya başlayacaktır.

It can be applied in combination with many aesthetic surgeries, especially breast reduction and fat infection.

Göğüs büyütme estetiği genelde 1 ile 1,5 saat arasında tamamlanmaktadır.

Ameliyatın ardından simetrik görünümde herhangi bir  değişim yaşanmaz. Buna ek olarak yaşanabilecek tüm durumlar, ameliyat ile düzeltilebilir.

Silikon protezler ideal boyutlarda kullanıldığında, dışarıdan temas ile hissedilmez. Ancak çok şiddetli ve ciddi bir darbe alındığı zaman hissedilebilir.

Pain can be felt for the first 4 days after this procedure. In addition, patients should use a special corset for 3 weeks after the operation. No dressing or cut is required. It is sufficient for the patient to rest only for the duration recommended by the doctor. Of course, personal hygiene should also be considered during this process.

Patients can be comfortable enough after the operation. Patients should rest for a while to return to everyday life. However, it is important to stay at home for the first week as there is no need to stay in hospital. Finally, lightweight activities can be done.

2 yanıt

  1. Merhabalar ben même buyutme, liposuction bacak Karın bel fiyatlarını öğrenebilirmiyim. Ben Fransa’dan

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